Various commercial chemicals were tested to control visually obstructive weed populations abundant in the graveled storage areas on the Fort Riley Military Reservation. Several herbicides applied at lower amounts than the historical treatment were effective in reducing weedy plants. The chemicals Oust and Telar Karmex provided the best long-term control. Arsenal could be added to a tank mix to provide greater control of field bindweed and tumble windmill grass. A change to these chemicals as part of the integrated pest management strategy would thus help to meet the United States Department of Defense directive to reduce pesticide usage.
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1 April 2002
Weed Management on Military Storage Gravel Lots
Wayne A. Geyer,
Walter H. Fick,
Jonathan Carlisle,
John Barbur
Transactions of the Kansas Academy of Science
Vol. 105 • No. 1
April 2002
Vol. 105 • No. 1
April 2002